Our Vessels & Equipment
We are a leading provider of air, mixed gas, and saturation diving services for the energy infrastructure industry.
Surface Diving Support Vessels
Surface Diving Support Vessels Allow For Assistance During Diving Services That Do Not Require Saturation Diving At Deeper Depths.
Saturation Diving Support Vessels
Saturation Diving Support Vessels Can Assist Subsea Saturation Diving For Deeper Diving Services And Longer Service Missions.
Pipelay Barge Vessels
Barges Are Vessels That Are Capable of Pipe Laying And Recovery, As Well As Transporting Equipment And Materials Needed For Off Shore Jobs.
Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROV)
Remotely Operated Vehicles Are Often Run By A Controller On The Vessel Above And Used For Inspection And Observation Needs.
Self Propelled Jet Sleds
Self Propelled Jet Sleds Allow For Uncovering Or Burying Of Pipeline Under The Water’s Surface Using Hydraulic And Pressurized Tooling.
Jet Pumps
Jet Pumps Are Used To Feed Pressurized Water For Tooling Used By Equipment Such As Jet Sleds And Grit Blasters Under The Water’s Surface.
Hydraulic Sheers & Grapple
Hydraulic Sheers And Grapples Are Used To Grab, Cut, Or Manipulate Pipeline Or Other Equipment Under The Water’s Surface.
Additional Equipment
Using integrated tools, services, innovative technology, and manpower, we increase energy infrastructure project quality and reliability while minimizing risk.
The Newest Fleet In The Gulf of Mexico

DSV Delilah Dean
Built in 2001, C-Dive purchased this vessel in 2023 and invested in the Delilah Dean to make it one of the most capable DSV vessels in the Gulf of Mexico. At 165 feet, Delilah Dean is outfitted with all new equipment to help dispatch our outstanding dive team when needed.

DSV Lady Monroe
Built in 2013, Lady Monroe is a highly capable 165 foot long surface dive vessel based in the Gulf of Mexico. Lady Monroe comes complete with welding stations, crane capabilities, and more vital offshore equipment.

DSV 217
Built in 2017, DSV is a 4-point 1000 foot saturation dive support vessel in the Gulf of Mexico. at 185 feet long, DSV 217 comes complete with welding stations, diving equipment, crane capabilities, and more.

DSV Ms. Kerci
As a 140 foot surface dive support vessel, the Ms. Kerci comes complete with deck decompression chamber, hydrolic units, and more.

Speedy is a 260 foot lay and recovery barge complete with 3 welding stations, field joint and x-ray stations, and multiple cranes for full off shore capabilities.